31 books • 2 series
Magic 101
I Put a Spell on You
Bonji Yagkanatu
Hold The Line
what's going on
8 Words
Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers (Plastics Design Library)
The Irish Republican Struggle in Limerick
Ramesses on the Rampage210
James Little Elk
Like The Wolf From The Fold
Poems in a Heart
Postcolonial Identities: Constructing the "New Irish"
Widening the Reach of Road Safety (Road Safety Research Report S., #97)
The Hermetic Code in DNA
“Survivor” – Representations of the “New Irish”
Oak Hill
Postcolonial Identities
Homilies for the Whole Community
Dislocation and Diaspora
Irish Travellers
Lay Movements in the Church
Lay Communities