Steve Hughes is a Practice Lead at Magenic. In his current role, he develops strategy
and helps guide data, business intelligence, collaboration, and data integration development using Microsoft technologies, including SQL Server, SharePoint, and BizTalk. He continues to deliver data and business intelligence solutions using these platforms. He has been working with technology for over 15 years with much of that time spent on creating business intelligence solutions. He is passionate about using data effectively and helping customers understand that data is valuable and profitable. He also has experience working with a large software company as a service vendor and there received awards for customer satisfaction and engineering excellence.
In 2010, he received the Consultant of the Year honor at Magenic. He has delivered multiple presentations on SQL server, data architecture, and business intelligence over the years. Steve can often be found at Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) events where he serves as a regional mentor and is active with the Minnesota SQL Server User Group (MNPASS). He shares his insights from the field on his blog at