13 books • 6 series
Genios de La Estrategia Militar, Volumen X (Estrategia y Liderazgo, #10)
History: Politics or Culture? Reflections on Ranke and Burckhardt
The End of the European Era (The Norton History of Modern Europe, #0)
The Diplomats, 1919-1939
A European Past: Memoirs, 1905-1945
Machiavelli and Guicciardini
The Pope, His Banker, and Venice
History (Princeton Legacy Library) (Routledge Library Editions: Historiography)
Historical Studies Today
END OF EUROPEAN ERA 4E PA (The Norton History of Modern Europe) (History of Modern Europe S.)
Beginnings of American Foreign Policy (Torchbooks)
To the Farewell Address
Johann Gustav Droysen Und Die Preussisch-Deutsche Frage