Anna's day revolves around the men in her life: her talented, techie husband, who taught her how to program computers in college; her creative, incredibly smart son, who doesn't know the meaning of the word can't; and her two aging but never down-for-the-count Siamese cats, who continue to invent unique ways to sit in Anna's lap while she types her stories.
Swimming in all that testosterone, Anna indulges her feminine side by writing romance and shopping wherever she can find the fashion she loves at the prices her small-town upbringing will permit her to spend. But watch out when Anna pulls all that black hair up and puts on her cap to play tennis. She's an A-level competitor in Atlanta, where they take their tennis seriously, and she finds hitting overheads and put-away volleys the perfect stress release for a long day of tangoing with writing deadlines.
And just when you think you know everything there is to know about Anna, you'll find her exercising her more quiet gifts, providing crisis care for adults and children who need a compassionate ear to share their struggles with. She's been a Stephen Minister through her local Methodist church for years, and has begun working with high school students who are grieving the loss of a parent or family unit due to death or divorce.
Anna loves to keep up with her readers and friends! Drop her a quick note at or visit her website above to catch her latest news, contests, and articles about making your dreams come true.