42 books • 5 series
The War and the Soul
A Spiritual Pilgrimage
New Theology Sermons
City Temple Sermons
The Choice of the Highest; City Temple Talks to Young Men
Second Annual Post-18 Survey of Students
Engagement with School, Identity and Self-esteem
Developing Expertise
What's So Different About Gifted and Talented Students?
The Social Origins of Students Identified as Gifted and Talented in England (NAGTY Occasional Papers S., #3)
The Social Origins of Students Identified as Gifted and Talented in England: a Geo-demographic Analysis (occasional Paper 8)
A Baseline Review of the Literature on Effective Pedagogies for Gifted and Talented Students (occasional Paper 5)
The English Model of Gifted and Talented Education: Policy, Context and Challenges (occasional Paper 1)
Primary Teachers at Work
Standards of Literacy and Numeracy in English Primary Schools (CREPE Occasional Papers S., #2)
Curriculum Reform at Key Stage 1
Secondary Teachers at Work (The Teaching as Work Project)
Managing Teachers' Time in Primary Schools (A.S.P.E. Papers, #2)