Well, I'm a mommy of one.

A drinker of #coffee (lots and lots of coffee).

And a #Writer of #bookboyfriends and #happyeverafters.

Usually. Sometimes I write other shit too. Children's books. Crime Thrillers. Blogs, apparently. I'm not one to stifle creativity, I find it only feeds the insanity I'm trying to soothe.

​The stereotypical writer through and through,

I find hiding out alone in my office or garden, cut off from society

where I can pursue my obsessive compulsions in peace

& carry on uninterrupted conversations with my imaginary friends

while I sip coffee, to be all the rage.

​I like people too.

The real ones.

But I'm shy and often awkward, and I'm told intimidating (trust me, no one is more surprised by this than I am), so I don't show it well.

If we meet - please don't hold this against me.

​I use the word f*ck an awful lot. I assure you, I'm not suffering from a limited vocabulary. I'm fluent in two languages and can muddle my way through another few if need be. I just like it. Maybe because I didn't rebel enough as a teenager. Fuck if I know.​

​These days, life is a solid stream of awesome craziness compliments of my kid and two dogs, and obviously, the getting to write and live my dream business, helps too 😛