22 books
The Founder of the City of Cleveland, and Other Sketches (Classic Reprint)
Nature and Culture (Classic Reprint)
Pioneers of the Western Reserve (Classic Reprint)
Sketches of Western Life (Classic Reprint)
Letters from the Pacific Slope, or First Impressions (Classic Reprint)
Pioneers of the Western Reserve, Pp. 1-236
Crooked Trails
Letters from the Pacific Slope or First Impressions - Scholar's Choice Edition
Incidents of Pioneer Life in the Early Settlement of the Connecticut Western Reserve
Letters from the Pacific Slope, Etc.
Letters from the Pacific Slope
Mount Vernon, and Select Poems
Incidents of Pioneer Life in the Early Settlement of the Connecticut Western Reserve (1880)
Mount Vernon, and Other Poems.
Select Poems
Sketches Of Western Life
Pioneers of the Western Reserve
Mount Vernon
Sketches Of Western Reserve Life
The Founder of the City of Cleveland, and Other Sketches
Nature and Culture
Letters from the Pacific Slope or First Impressions