228 books • 9 series
Firefly #4
Firefly #3
James Bond 007 Vol. 1
Star Wars Vol. 12: Rebels and Rogues
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas
Star Wars: Age of the Rebellion - Villains
Star Wars: Age of the Rebellion - Heroes
Incredible Hercules: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
Hulk: World War Hulk
Firefly: The Unification War Vol. 1 (Firefly)
Mech Cadet Yu Vol. 3 (Mech Cadet Yu)
John Wick Vol. 1
Weapon H Vol. 2
Weapon X Vol. 5: Weapon X-Force
Firefly #2
Firefly #1
Weapon H #1
Mech Cadet Yu Vol. 2
Weapon H Vol. 1: AWOL
Weapon X Vol. 4: Russian Revolution
Hulk: World War Hulk II
Warlock: Second Coming
Dead Man's Run Volume 1