14 books
The Alabama Claims [microform]
No Property in Man
Slavery and the Rebellion, One and Inseparable
Speech of the Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on the Barbarism of Slavery, Delivered in the U.S. Senate, June 4th, 1860; Also, The Republican Platform
The Republican Party, Its Origin, Necessity and Permanence
The Promises of the Declaration of Independence
The Case of the Florida
The Anti-slavery Enterprise, Its Necessity, Practicability and Dignity, With Glimpses of the Special Duties of the North [microform]
Independence of Hayti and Liberia. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on the Bill to Authorize the Appointment of Diplomatic Representatives to the Republics of Hayti and Liberia, with the Debate Thereon; In the Senate of the United...
Our Foreign Relations
The True Grandeur of Nations
Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner; Volume 2
Les Relations Exte Rieures Des E Tats-Unis
Freedom National; Slavery Sectional. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on His Motion to Repeal the Fugitive Slave Bill, in the Senate of the United States, August 26, 1852