Dale Maharidge is the author of thirteen books. His second book, And Their Children After Them, was awarded the 1990 nonfiction Pulitzer Prize. He's written for Rolling Stone, George Magazine, The Nation, Mother Jones, and the New York Times, among others. He was a visiting professor at Stanford University and is currently a tenured professor at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University. His first book, Journey to Nowhere: The Saga of the New Underclass, inspired Bruce Springsteen to write two songs. Selected other books include The Coming White Minority: California, Multiculturalism and the Nation's Future, Someplace Like America, Bringing Mulligan Home: The Other Side of the Good War, and most recently, Fucked at Birth: Recalibrating the American Dream for the 2020s. Maharidge lived in Northern California's Emerald Triangle for over two decades, in an off-grid homestead that he built himself.