A lifelong dreamer, Jodi Lynn Copeland grew up on Michigan's farmland, surrounded by the open country and plenty of fresh air. While she had many passions in those early years, writing and reading were not among them. Both came very difficult to her, and it wasn't until after having extensive surgery that landed her in bed for a number of weeks that she began to appreciate the written word. During those long days, her mom turned her on to the great escape found in historical romances. Jodi developed a deep love for the foreign lands and time periods, and the lairds and ladies that filled the pages. An entry-level English college course and one very special instructor opened Jodi's eyes to the reality she didn't have to stop at reading about those fascinating and far off places and people-she had the aptitude to write about them. She began her first novel-a very gritty, very poorly written romantic suspense-in 1996. In 1998, both the book and college were finished. While she was able to find a job as a technical writer and designer in her chosen field of engineering, Jodi's success as an author wasn't so quick to pass. After nearly a dozen stories of varying lengths and dozens of rejection letters, Jodi sold her first novel, a contemporary erotic romance, in 2003. Since that time, she has written more than thirty stories, almost all of which have thankfully found a home, found her own true hero, and added two wonderful children (who have an uncanny habit of doubling as sarcastic little monsters) to the blessings that fill her country home. Jodi is published in every subgenre of erotic fiction, as well as straight contemporary romances. For Harlequin, she writes contemporary and paranormal erotic fiction for SPICE and SPICE Briefs. To learn more about Jodi and her books, visit her Web site or write to her at: Readers@jodilynncopeland.com.
May 26, 2004
Cover of Taurus


Feb 25, 2004
Cover of Aries


Sep 29, 2003
Cover of Uncharted Waters

Uncharted Waters