14 books • 3 series
Wayne van Zwoll is a regular contributor to the Gun Digest annual, and author of the Gun Digest Book of Sporting optics. He is a nationally-recognized expert on rifles, optics and western hunting.
Shooter's Bible Guide to Handloading
The Gun Digest Book of the Remington 700
Mastering the Art of Long-Range Shooting
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Rifles
The Technical Rifleman (Gun Digest Classics)
Shooter's Bible Guide to Rifle Ballistics
Hunter's Guide to Long-Range Shooting
Deer Rifles and Cartridges (Outdoorsman's Edge (Woods N' Water Press))
Complete Book of the .22
The "Gun Digest" Book of Sporting Optics
The Hunter's Guide to Accurate Shooting
Elk & Elk Hunting
Modern Sporting Rifle Cartridges
America's Great Gunmakers (Shooter's Bible, #83)