Densie Webb (not Denise) has spent a long career as a freelance nonfiction writer and editor, specializing in health and nutrition, and has published several books and tons of articles on the topic over the years. She is a member of the Women's Fiction Writers Association, a contributor to Women Writers, Women's Books, and a monthly contributor for When Robins Appear was published by Red Adept Publishing in 2020. Her paranormal romance novel Le Remede was published by Wild Rose Press in 2018. She grew up in Louisiana, spent thirteen years in New York, and settled in Austin, Texas, where it's summer nine months out of the year. She is an avid walker (not of the dead variety, though she loves anything to do with zombies, vampires, or post-apocalyptic worlds), drinks too much coffee, and has a small "devil dog" that keeps her on her toes. She has arrested development in musical tastes and Spotify is her muse.