Opal Carew is the author of Total Abandon, Pleasure Bound, Twin Fantasies and other erotic romance novels. "So why do I like writing erotic romance?" she asks. "I like being able to push beyond traditional boundaries." Opal loves crystals, dragons, feathers, cats, pink hair, the occult and all that glitters. While she writes, she listens to inspirational music, lights candles and keeps crystals near. Before devoting herself to her passion as a writer, Opal spent 15 years as a software analyst, and she has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo. She lives with her husband and two sons in Ontario, Canada.
Jun 23, 2009
Cover of Secret Ties

Secret Ties

Jan 6, 2009
Cover of Six


Jun 24, 2008
Cover of Blush


Dec 26, 2007
Cover of Swing


Jun 26, 2007
Cover of Twin Fantasies

Twin Fantasies