Raechel Myers loves God's Word. A reluctant writer but lover of story, she delights in the evidence of God's beauty, goodness, and truth in everyday life--just ask her kids. Co-founder and CEO of She Reads Truth, Raechel has a Bachelor's degree in Housing and Environmental Design, and is not afraid to paint a whole house over a long weekend. She longs to cook artisanal meals, but loves Chinese takeout, wearing too much chambray, and kissing her husband. Raechel is fueled by double tall mochas and her strong passion to direct women to God and His Word. She lives south of Nashville, Tennessee with her three favorite people and an old dog named Scout.

Amanda Bible Williams is crazy about words. True words are her favorite, one of many reasons she adores her role as Chief Content Officer of She Reads Truth. Amanda first met Jesus in an East Tennessee church pew as a little girl, and now she finds Him daily in the pages of God's Word and in a loud, old farmhouse east of Nashville where she lives with her husband and three young children. She has degrees in English and Psychology and nearly a Master's in Religion. Amanda enjoys dancing with her kids, reading herself to sleep, and explaining that her maiden name really is Bible.