From humble circumstances in Wales, Paul Simons went to sea as a young man. While seemingly an inauspicious start for anyone, his journeys around the world, especially during the years of World War II were hazardous and challenging. He really experienced life - the great teacher. Aided by his sextant and slide rule as he made the intricate calculations required of a good seaman, his intellect was sharpened. His life at sea is a fascinating story in itself. Love found him in Australia and to a job at the bottom of the store chain at Woolworths. His rise to the top is told as is the story of his high standards and honesty which caused him to leave giving up a senior position. His return to Woolworths at the top as Executive Chairman is a story in itself and he turned a struggling company around into the great success it became.Paul became Businessman of the Year in 1989 and was named the Retailer of the Decade in 1994. His style was to treat everyone in his company the same. He has actively helped charities and serving the nation in such things as being selected by the Federal Government's commission of inquiry into Australia's AusAID program, of which he was appointed Chair.Formal retirement meant nothing to Paul. He not only took on two large sheep properties but they produce top quality Merino wool and do so under model environmental conditions.