Michael Earney is a renowned fine arts painter and has been a ceramic sculptor, a potter, and an award-winning documentary filmmaker. He co-authored Land and Cattle, and wrote and published Magic Faces, Caras Magicas, a collection of Mexican mask paintings with text in English and Spanish. His work is included in Los Aves de los altos de Chiapas and La Pitahaya en las Artes Plasticos, and he has contributed both artwork and writing to a variety of publications. Visit his web page: http: //www.earneyworks.com Friend him at Facebook: http: //www.facebook.com/themichaelearney Find him at Smashwords: http: //www.smashwords.com/michaelearney & to buy The A to Z Book of Birds An ABC for Young Bird Lovers Find him at Worldwide Publishing Group: http: //www.worldwidepublishinggroup.com