Harper Alexander worked as a cinematographer in Hollywood before meeting his wife, Eva Santaguida. She immediately started sharing the food of her country with him, and he was shocked at just how different (and better!) it was from the "Italian" food he thought he knew. Harper and Eva are the creators of the popular Italian cooking YouTube channel, Pasta Grammar, where they share authentic Italian food through a humorous video format. They quickly found success on the platform after being named one of YouTube's "Creators on the Rise." Their brand has expanded as they serve their customers and fans with unique merchandise, video cooking guides, Italian language lessons. and an enormously successful series of culinary tours where they take eager foodies on ten-day trips through southern Italy.
Dec 25, 2013
Cover of Chasing Me Softly

Chasing Me Softly

Sep 21, 2013
Cover of Lifebreath


Aug 1, 2012
Cover of Breathtaker


Jan 27, 2010
Cover of Mind Games

Mind Games

Nov 12, 2009
Cover of Treachery's Game

Treachery's Game

Nov 12, 2009
Cover of Spychild


Jul 7, 2009
Cover of Bounty
