25 books • 7 series
Anne Sexton (1928-1974), the author of ten collections of poems, received the Pulitzer Prize in 1967.
Buenos Aires Poetry n°2 (Nueva Época)
100 Selected Poems, Anne Sexton
Mi boca florece como un corte / My Mouth Blooms Like a Cut (Poesia Portatil / Flash Poetry) (POESÍA PORTÁTIL / Flash Poetry)
Mercy Street
The Voice of the Poet
Anne Sexton Reads: Selections of Her Poetry Including "Little Girl", "My String Bean", "My Lovely Woman"
Anne Sexton Reads...
Anne Sexton Reads Her Po(Cass)
Selected Poems of Anne Sexton
No Evil Star (Poets on Poetry)
The Complete Poems (Cambridge Editions)
Sexton Self Portrait Pa
Words for Dr. Y.
45 Mercy Street
The Awful Rowing Toward God
Anne Sexton (Voice of the Poet)
The Death Notebooks (Phoenix living poets)
The Wizard's Tears
The Book of Folly (Phoenix Living Poets S.)
Joey and the Birthday Present
Love Poems