Elisavietta Ritchie is a multi-tasking writer, poet, editor, photographer, mentor, workshop leader and poet-in-the-schools and universities in the United States and, sponsored by the United States Information Service, Brazil, Australia, Canada and the Far East. She won the Great Lakes Colleges Award for her first book, Tightening the Circle over Eel Country; four National Endowment for the Arts, Pushcart and other awards; and many acceptances for individual poems and stories. She was asked for poems to be set to compositions by composers David Owens, Jackson Berkey and others. She continues to write, mentor, host informal writers' workshops. Elisavietta Ritchie is married to writer and former New York Times journalist Clyde Henri Farnsworth, and frequently took photographs to accompany his articles in Canada, Australia, Europe and the United States. They live at the tip of Southern Maryland overlooking the Patuxent River. Both are insomniacs.