100 books • 23 series
Communications in Matlab. Design and Test Audio Processing Systems
System Identification with Matlab. Online Estimation
System Identification with Matlab. Nonlinear Models and Forecasting Time Series
System Identification with Matlab. Linear Models Identification
Robotic Sytems with MATLAB
Big Data Processing with Matlab. Parallel Computing and Applications
Econometrics with Matlab. Time Series Analysis
Econometrics with Matlab. Multivariate Time Series
Econometrics with Matlab. Time Series Conditional Variance Models
Econometrics with Matlab. Time Series Conditional Mean Models
Econometrics with Matlab. Univariate Time Series Analysis
Econometrics with MATLAB. Nonparametric Modeling Techniques
Econometrics with Matlab. Linear Regression
Econometrics with Matlab. Nonlinear Regression
Econometrics with Matlab. Curve and Surface Fitting, Linear and Nonlinear Regression
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Best Sellers: Classic Books)
Theorie der sittlichen Gefühle
Big Oil in a Small Country
Thinking about Religion (Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion)
The Origins of Catalan Nationalism, 1770-1898
Twilight Sleep in America
A Non-Philosophical Theory of Nature (Radical Theologies) (Radical Theologies and Philosophies)
Renting the Veil
Times of Trouble