20 books • 4 series
Knowledge and Power
Tact and Intelligence
The Second Chance America And The Peace
Theodor Fontane
Deutsche Geschichte
Europe Since 1914
KIP:EUROPE 1815-1914 VOL I 3E
The Politics of the Unpolitical
The Diplomats, 1939–1979 (Princeton Legacy Library, #5256)
The Diplomats, 1919-1939
Geneva, Zurich, Basel (Princeton Legacy Library)
The Germans
The End of Prussia (Curti Lectures)
Force and Statecraft
From Bismarck to Adenaur
Germany 1866-1945 (Oxford History of Modern Europe)
The Battle of Koniggratz
Europe Since 1815
From Bismarck to Adenauer (Torchbooks)
The Politics of the Prussian Army