Simon Johnson (Victoria, Australia) has 10 years experience as an IT security professional with a number of organizations and government departments. He co-founded and managed Shake Communications in 1997, an IT security business. In 1998 he co-founded SecuritySearch.Net, which at the time, was the largest IT security portal on the Internet. SecuritySearch.Net received more than 155,000 page views per month and sent free security newsletters to more than 16,000 subscribers worldwide, per week. The site was sold in 2002 to US security firm GFI. The newsletter subscription arm of the business was sold to US security firm, Relevant Technologies. Johnson has been interviewed in television and print media on IT Security related topics, including Business 2.0, Computerworld, Corporate Risk, CNET,, Newswire, SBS World News, TechWeb, The Age, Wired Magazine and ZDNet News. He's written content for Total Surveillance by John Parker (Piatkas Publishing UK, 2000) and reviewed the business and e-commerce chapters in the book, Internet and World Wide Web by Deitel (Prentice Hall, 2002).