Born and raised in Canada, I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta. The arts were always in my blood. From a young age (like most Canadians), I took to the ice and for most of my childhood and adolescent years, I was a figure skater. My favorite programs were to Indiana Jones and The Mummy which seemed to have an effect later in my life. During these same years, I also took part in my school's band programs and learned to appreciate the smooth sound of the saxophone. My lunch hours were dedicated to choir, as well as digital media, and the industrial arts. ​​ I began writing at age 10, and I can still remember the first moment I picked up a pencil and started scribbling out what had to be the worst story ever. Like most children at that age, school had begun to bore me, and I sought solace in my own imagination. I believe I still have this story hidden away in a dusty container, starring a clawed monster that hid under my bed, waiting for me to fall asleep each night. Thus began my obsession with the paranormal world and the many mysteries within. ​​ When I wasn't on the ice, camping, attending concerts-or somewhere in all that, studying-I was reading and writing to my heart's content. As a child, my favorite authors were Christopher Pike and R.L Stein, and my room was riddled with their books, along with a large selection of Choose Your Own Adventures. As I grew, my interests delved into Anne Rice, along with my mother's collection of Danielle Steel, which encouraged my love of the romance genre. ​​ Interestingly, my post-secondary education was focused in Archaeology (remember I mentioned Indiana Jones?) and Geography, with a concentration in GIS. After a field school based in Israel, I did a little world travelling to places like Egypt, Spain, England, Italy, etc. Upon graduation, I moved further north than I already lived and here is my current abode where my day job consists of mapping and every other spare minute is dedicated to writing. ​​ My interests seem to change on a daily basis, the oddball that I am. This week it seems to be archery, boating, and zumba. Next week, who knows. It keeps me and everyone in my life on our toes. I currently live in Fort St. John, British Columbia, with my high school sweetheart and husband, Shaun, and our three pets: Buddy, Galahad, and Merlin.