61 books • 17 series
Oscar's Tale
The Prodigal Son (The Shadow of the Raven, #5)
The BEE Billionaires
The Warrior with the Pierced Heart (The Shadow of the Raven, #2)
Wehrmacht Panzer Divisions 1939–45 (Identification Guide)
Bloodlines (The Shadow of the Raven, #4)
Ships (Landscape Pocket)
Marketing Sales Funnel
Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics Student's Book (Collins Cambridge International AS & A Level)
The Final Reckoning (The Shadow of the Raven, #3)
Forbes’ African Billionaires
Medievalist Comics and the American Century
AQA A Level Physics Year 2 Student Book (Collins AQA A Level Science)
The Worry
German Panzers of World War II (The World's Great Weapons)
The Military Atlas of WWII
Kriegsmarine U-Boats
The Essential Vehicle Identification Guide: Waffen-Ss Divisions 1939–45
Apache Ah-64 Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) 1976-2005
German Wehrmacht Panzer Divisions (The Essential Tank Identification Guide)
Panzergrenadier Divisions (The Essential Vehicle Identification Guide)
Luftwaffe Squadrons (The Essential Aircraft Identification Guide)
Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk (New Vanguard, #116)
German Infantry in World War 2 (Order of Battle)