74 books • 14 series
Terror Australis
Machine Learning for Tabular Data: XGBoost, Deep Learning, and AI
Owl Who Colors
Mathematik für Dummies (F r Dummies) (Fur Dummies)
Calculus AIO FD (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)
Mathematik für Naturwissenschaftler für Dummies (Für Dummies)
Deep Learning with fastai Cookbook
The Pastor's Soul Care
Seasons of a wandering heart
Deep Learning with Structured Data
Nothing but I am
Wild Magic
Impermanence of things
Human Value, Environmental Ethics and Sustainability (Values and Identities: Crossing Philosophical Borders)
Hold Fast
Bloodletting Part 2
A Collegiate Way of Living
U Can: Calculus for Dummies?
UEbungsbuch Analysis 2e (Fur Dummies)
The Lowdown: A Short History of the World Cup
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as Told by Carl Jung by an Inmate of Broadmoor Asylum
The First VCs