222 books • 38 series
Pat-a-Cake takes you and your child on a magical journey. From sharing the very first baby book to watching your little one read all by themselves. The adventure begins here . . .
Clap Hands: Here Come the Mermaids (Clap Hands)
Clap Hands: Here Come the Dragons (Clap Hands)
First Baby Days: Spots and Stripes (First Baby Days)
Find Out About: Animals (Find Out About)
Find Out About: Feelings (Find Out About)
Big Stickers for Tiny Hands: Space (Big Stickers for Tiny Hands)
Time to Be a Hero (PJ Masks)
Spot and Say: Farm (Spot and Say)
Spot and Say: Jungle (Spot and Say)
Toddler Triumphs: Potty Superstar (Toddler Triumphs)
School of Roars: Show and Tell (School of Roars)
PJ Robot (PJ Masks)
School of Roars: Icky Sticky Stickers (School of Roars)
Bestest Friends (School of Roars)
Big Stickers for Tiny Hands: Big Machines (Big Stickers for Tiny Hands)
Clap Hands: Here Come the Mummies and Babies (Clap Hands)
Space Baby: Out of this World (Space Baby)
Fancy Dress (Flip-Flap Friends)
Space Baby: Zoom to the Moon! (Space Baby)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (My Very First Story Time)
The Little Red Hen (My Very First Story Time)
Toddler's World: Dinosaurs (Toddler's World)
Chatterbox Baby: Words (Chatterbox Baby)
Chatterbox Baby: Shapes (Chatterbox Baby)