Real name Mary Jane Shultz, Leandra was thrilled to sell her first young adult romance novel in 1986. Since that time she has written a great number of books for both teenage and adult audiences. Leandra has enjoyed both success and fulfillment writing for Harlequin. Her books routinely make the B. Dalton and Waldenbooks lists. As well, she has been nominated for numerous awards within the industry. A lifelong resident of Minnesota, Leandra and her family recently moved to the historic town of Stillwater. She looks forward to strolling along the main street, and mingling with the artists and book lovers who frequent the area's quaint shops and eateries. The past year has been an extremely busy one for Leandra and her family. It's a relief to have the move behind them, but there are countless tasks to take care of around the new place-the biggest being the yard work! There are rocks to haul, dirt to grade, and seeds to sow! Optimistically, it will give Leandra a lot of time to work out her plots. She hopes you will check out her latest Harlequin novel. All of them are a joy to write.