A born and raised Maritimer, Sydney Somers fell in love with writing when she finished her first story, Jenny and the Glowing Green Mittens. After attempting her first book in high school, she set writing aside to focus on school. While getting her degrees in psychology and education, Sydney tried her hand at journalism between part time jobs before finally returning to her love of writing.

Twenty-five novels and novellas later, Sydney is thrilled to spend her days slaying demons, running with shape-shifter packs and making the people in her head fall wildly in love. When she s not writing or curled up with a good book, Sydney can be found chasing after her herd of kids, talking her way into a gourmet meal, exterminating rogue dust bunnies or joking about the pending zombie apocalypse.

Have a question or just want to say hi? Have you read a good book lately? Tell Sydney about it by visiting her website http: //www.sydneysomers.comor sending her an email at sydney@sydneysomers.com

Find Sydney online at:

Her Blog: http: //www.sydneysomers.com/blog

Facebook: http: //www.facebook.com/sydneysomers

Twitter: http: //www.twitter.com/sydneysomers