127 books • 13 series
Babette Cole 2
Dr Dog Goes Green
Estirar La Pata/Drop Dead
Princess Smartypants and the Wonderland Wobble (Princess Smartypants)
Princess Smartypants and the Fairy Geek Mothers (Princess Smartypants)
Princess Smartypants and the Missing Princes (Princess Smartypants)
The Wild West Country Tale of James Rabbit and the Giggleberries
Bad Habbits!
Babette Cole 4
The Other Royal Baby or King Change-a-Lot
Babette Cole Collection (fetlocks Hall)
Fetlocks Hall 4: The Enchanted Pony
Fetlocks Hall 3: The Curse of the Pony Vampires
Fetlocks Hall 1
Fetlocks Hall 2: The Ghostly Blinkers
The Ghostly Blinkers (Fetlocks Hall, #2)
The Unicorn Princess (Fetlocks Hall, #1)
Princess Smartypants Breaks the Rules!
A Dose of Dr. Dog
Le Probl?me Avec Grand-Papa
Le Probl?me Avec Grand-Maman