120 books
Iclicker Hybrid IC+ Remote/Go 6 Month
Iclicker 2 and Iclicker Go 6 Month Access
Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences & SPSS: User Friendly Approach
Iclicker2 Remote & Sapling One-Semester Access Card
Iclicker2 Remote & Sapling Multi-Course Access Card
Iclicker+ Remote & Sapling One-Semester Access Card
Iclicker Go 6-Month Access Card & Sapling One-Semester Access Card
Iclicker Go 1-Year Access Card & Sapling Multi-Course Access Card
Iclicker+ Remote & Sapling Multi-Course Access Card
Modern Principles of Microeconomics, Econportal Access Card for Modern Principles of Micro/Macroeconomics (6 Month), & Iclicker
Introducing Psychology (Loose Leaf), Study Guide, & Iclicker
Psychology in Modules, Psychportal Access Card, & Iclicker
Life, Study Guide, Iclicker 2, & Bioportal Access Card (12 Month)
Life, Bioportal Access Card (12 Month), & Iclicker 2
E-Book for Understanding the American Promise V1 (Access Card) & America Firsthand 9e V1 & I>clicker2
Understanding the American Promise V1 & American Firsthand 9e V1 & I>clicker2 Student Remote
Psychology in Modules, Psychportal Access Card, & Iclicker 2
First Peoples 4e & Iclicker Gen1
Calculus: Early Transcendentals (Loose Leaf), Calcportal Access Card (24 Month), & Iclicker
Life (Loose Leaf), Bioportal Access Card (6 Month), & Iclicker
Life, Bioportal Access Card (6 Month), & Iclicker
Modern Principles of Microeconomics, Iclicker, & Economics Is Everywhere
Smartphysics Volume 1, Mechanics Access Card & Iclicker
Microeconomics (Loose Leaf), Econportal Access Card (1 Semester) & Iclicker