Raised on Star Trek, Dune, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Jennifer prefers a good dose of biting social commentary in her speculative fiction, and with such influences as C. S. Friedman and Joan D. Vinge, uses gentle metaphor and a total lack of preachiness to do it. Her complex characters grow through their tense and challenging plots, through settings deliberately chosen to amplify the moral struggles we all face, but always with the assurance that you can kick back, put your feet up, and just enjoy an entertaining, funny, and haunting story if you want. Dedicated to the craft of writing well, Jennifer and her publishing company SmartyPants Publishing, Inc. work to grow authors of all genres who share in the love of a good story well told. To this end, SmartyPants maintains a learning site, a writing-tool site that includes Noveller as well as the upcoming Novelcards, and a forum for self-publishing authors called Selfpubby.com. It is Jennifer's work in life to not only tell her own stories, but to help other writers tell the stories that need to be told, and to get those stories into the hands of anyone who wants them. Good stories, well told, and distributed across the globe. Thank you for taking the time to get to know Jennifer and SmartyPants. Your, our reader, is our ultimate judge, so please take a moment to review this work-tell us what you liked or what we could have done better. Extoll our virtues or help us mitigate our weaknesses...or just spread the love, yeah? If you would like to contact Jennifer directly, she is available at: editor@smartypantspublishers.com If you would like to contact SmartyPants Publishing, it is available at: www.smartypantspublishers.com Facebook: smartypantspublishing Twitter: @SmartyPantsPubs