Ben Galbraith was born in a small town called Gisborne on the East Coast of New Zealand in 1980. After High School, Ben left beach life to
go to Design School in Wellington majoring in Illustration. After graduation, he moved back to Gisborne where he lives with his mother and
brother. Now he works at a Printing House as a Graphic Designer, whilst working freelance on his illustration career.

Fishing Brothers Gruff is Ben's first picture book and he absolutely loved writing and illustrating his own story. He likes scanning textures into the computer to use in his artwork. At Design school, he got into trouble for scanning real, smelly dead fish!

Other unusual facts include the fact that Ben is colour blind! All his drawings from when he was a child have purple skies and all self
potraits have green freckles!

Ben loves the ocean and as well as being a mad keen surfer he is also fascinated by fish!