70 books • 8 series
Eugen von Böhm–Bawerk (1851–1914) and Friedrich von Wieser (1851–1926) (Pioneers in Economics)
Frank Knight (1885–1972), Henry Simons (1899–1946) and Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950) (Pioneers in Economics)
Irving Fisher (1867–1947), Arthur Hadley (1856–1930), Ragnar Frisch (1895–1973), Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992), Allyn Young (1876–1929) and Ugo Mazzola (1863–1899) (Pioneers in Economics)
Johann von Thünen (1783–1850), Augustin Cournot (1801–1877) and Jules Dupuit (1804–1866) (Pioneers in Economics)
Harold Hotelling (1895–1973), Lionel Robbins (1898–1984), Clark Warburton (1896–1979), John Bates Clark (1847–1938) and Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) (Pioneers in Economics)