Stuart Tipple is an attorney, notary public and author. He represented the Michael and Lindy Chamberlain after they were accused of murdering their 10 week old baby Azaria which included the various inquests, trial and subsequent appeals. After the High Court Appeal was lost, Stuart oversaw a media campaign which set up the Chamberlain Innocence Committee made up of prominent Australians calling for a Royal Commission; engaged scientists to conduct further tests which eventually destroyed the Crown case; and successfully applied for the establishment of a Royal Commission. Following the Royal Commission, the Chamberlains were pardoned, compensated and later acquitted. This case is regarded as Australia's worst miscarriage of justice and widely reported around the world as "The Dingo Case" and portrayed in a movie starring Meryl Streep and Sam Neil. 'Stuart has made a significant contribution not only to the local community, but also to the legal profession and the administration of justice in Australia and indeed the world, ' - The President of the NSW Law Society