Alan Gilbert is the author of the poetry books THE TREATMENT OF MONUMENTS (SplitLevel Texts, 2012) and LATE IN THE ANTENNA FIELDS (Futurepoem Books, 2011), and a collection of essays, articles, and reviews entitled Another Future: Poetry and Art in a Postmodern Twilight (Wesleyan University Press, 2006), which examines conceptual documentary strategies in contemporary poetry and visual art. His poems have appeared in publications such as The Baffler, BOMB, Boston Review, Chicago Review, DENVER QUARTERLY, FENCE, jubilat, and The Nation. His writings on poetry and art have appeared in a variety of publications, including Aperture, Artforum Bookforum, Cabinet, Modern Painters, Parkett, Time Out New York, etc. He's written about books and art regularly for the Village Voice and reviewed poetry for The Believer. He spent the summer of 2008 blogging for the Poetry Foundation's Harriet site, and again in April 2010, 2011, and 2012 for National Poetry Month. Gilbert has contributed art catalogue essays and entries for a number of biennials, group shows, and solo exhibitions. He's the recipient of a 2009 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry and a 2006 Creative Capital Foundation Award for Innovative Literature (poetry). He has taught poetry workshops, art writing, art history, and studio art at Wesleyan University, School of Visual Arts, Parsons The New School for Design, Cooper Union, and the Naropa University Summer Writing Program. During the 1990s, Gilbert was a co-editor of the influential poetry journal apex of the M. He has a PhD in English literature from the University at Buffalo (SUNY). He currently lives in Brooklyn.