20 books
The Twentieth Century Molière
Suggestion and Autosuggestion; a Psychological and Pedagogical Study Based Upon the Investigations Made by the New Nancy School
Treitschke's History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century
The Forerunners - Scholar's Choice Edition
History of Switzerland, 1499-1914 - Scholar's Choice Edition
History of Switzerland, 1499-1914 - Primary Source Edition
Jeremiah, a Drama in Nine Scenes.Trans. from the Author's Revised German Text by Eden and Cedar Paul - Primary Source Edition
Karl Marx - Primary Source Edition
History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century; Volume 3 - Primary Source Edition
Proletcult (Proletarian Culture)
Tsushima a Novikoff Priboy
Studies in Psychoanalysis; An Account of Twenty-Seven Concrete Cases Preceded by a Theoretical Exposition. Comprising Lectures Delivered in Geneva at the Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute and at the Faculty of Letters in the University
The Twentieth Century Molie Re
Population and Birth-Control
History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century; Volume 4
History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century; Volume 3
The Spirit of Russia
Heredity, Disease and Human Evolution;
Political Parties
Young Girls Diary Prefaced with a Letter by Sigmund Freud