Ron "Grah Grah" Owens was born in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada. His father, John Thomas Owens, was a church planter, and as a result, the family lived throughout the eastern Canadian provinces before moving to Switzerland. Ron's early interests were largely focused on ice hockey and track in which he won considerable recognition for his achievements in both. After returning to North America to further his studies, he cultivated his love for music as well. Ron met his wife, Patricia, in a music conservatory in Rochester, NY, and together they travelled in North America and many other countries as a music team. They have written many songs and several musicals that have been translated and performed in other languages. Ron is also the author of several biographies, books on worship, and an English/Russian language book of poetry published by Moscow's Center for World Culture. Ron and Patricia have one son, Jeff, a daughter-in-law, Jessica, and two grandsons, Ethan and Evan.