55 books
Statutes, Acts and Regulations in Force in the Madras Presidency Volume 1
Routes in the Peninsula of India; Comprising the Whole of the Madras Presidency and Portions of the Adjacent Territories of Bengal and Bombay
The Law of Offences and Criminal Procedure
Unrepealed Regulations of the Government of Fort St. George; The Acts of the Government of India, Applicable to the Madras Presidency, and the Acts of the Government of Madras Relating to Revenue Matters, from 1802-69
The Chingleput, Late Madras, District; A Manual Compiled Under the Orders of the Madras Government
Judicial, Revenue and Miscellaneous Code Volume 2
Manual of Standing Information for the Madras Presidency, 1893
Country Correspondence, Public Dept (Volume 2); 1748
The Baramahal Records (Volume 3)
The Rules of Practice (Criminal) of the High Court of Judicature at Madras, on the Appellate Side and the Courts Subordinate Thereto
The Revenue Code, Containing All the Existing Revenue Regulations and Acts Applicable to the Madras Presidency, from 1802 to December 1880, with Introduction, Notes, Examination Papers, & C
Country Correspondence, Public Dept (Volume 1)
Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Dutch Records (Volume 14)
A Collection and Precis of Papers about Jeypore
Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Dutch Records (Volume 3)
Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Dutch Records (Volume 8)
Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Dutch Records (Volume 12)
Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Dutch Records (Volume 15)
Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Dutch Records (Volume 7)
Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Dutch Records (Volume 11)
Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Dutch Records (Volume 13)
Cuddapah (Volume 1)
Madura (Volume 1)
Godavari (Volume 1)