Anne Marie, daughter of a native Colorado wilderness expert, granddaughter of a Rocky Mountain miner, wife of a man with Native American blood, and a silversmith who works with turquoise and jade, has always been in love with the great Southwest. Having shared the same home as the Anasazi, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, the "unsinkable" Molly Brown, "Doc" Holliday, and Geronimo, Anne Marie feels preserving the Southwest's history is just as important as preserving the land and its wildlife. She started her writing career with her first sale to Harlequin in 1988, and is now a regular Superromance writer. A member of the local San Diego, California, chapter of Romance Writers of America and founding/past president and member of Florida's First Coast Romance Writers, Anne Marie also belongs to the Science Fiction Writers of America. Anne Marie is also a proud union member of the Writers Guild of America because of her sale of a Star Trek story to Paramount TV Studios. At home and hearth in Southern California, Anne Marie enjoys deep-sea boating and fishing with her retired U.S. Navy husband, being a Disneyland junkie with her high-school-student daughter and college-age son, and keeping her daughter's cat away from her four dogs - three of which have appeared in her books. (See her web site for a list of her novels that feature her pets!) Presently she continues work on her jewelry art degree, her science fiction, and screenplays. But Harlequin romance novels and her readership will always remain her first priority. She hopes you enjoy reading her stories as much as she loves writing them, and invites visitors to her web site at