24 books
Debateable Claims
James, or Virtue Rewarded (Classic Reprint)
Muggleton College
Tiberius the Tyrant (Classic Reprint)
Gustave Flaubert as Seen in His Works and Correspondence (Classic Reprint)
Some Observations of a Foster Parent (Classic Reprint)
The Royal Phraseological English-French, French-English Dictionary
Tiberius the Tyrant - Scholar's Choice Edition
Gustave Flaubert as Seen in His Works and Correspondence - Scholar's Choice Edition
Some Observations of a Foster Parent - Scholar's Choice Edition
A Complete System of French Pronunciation, Arranged Upon the Principle of Analysis
Contemporary France
Progressive Oral Lessons for French Conversation; Or Viva Voce Practice in Rendering English Phraseology Into French, by J.C. and H. Tarver
Choix En Prose Et En Vers
Contemporary France Volume 3
James, Or, Virtue Rewarded
Abrege de L'histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Avec la signification des mots en anglais au bas de chaque page
Muggleton College, Its Rise and Fall
Debateable Claims; Essays on Secondary Education
Gustave Flaubert as Seen in His Works and Correspondence
Tiberius the Tyrant
A Complete System of French Pronunciation
Some Observations of a Foster Parent