19 books
Twinkle Toes and His Magic Mittens
The Bunny Collection
The Tale of Fatty Coon (Edition1)
Pictures of German Life in the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries, Volume I. (Edition1)
Helps and hints for Hallowe'en
Miss Leslie's New Cookery Book
The loves of Pelleas and Etarre
History of the Cathedral Church of Wells As Illustrating the History of the Cathedral Churches of the Old Foundation
Rabbit Tales for Kids
The Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail
The Gingerbread Boy and Joyful Jingle Play Stories
The Gingerbread Boy
The Tale of Curly-Tail (Classic Reprint)
Drills and Plays for Patriotic Days (Classic Reprint)
Sixty Musical Games
Primary Seat Work; Sense Training and Games
Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes (Dodo Press)
Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes
Two Hundred Games That Teach