27 books
Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pleurophllidien
Malacologische Untersuchungen, Vol. 2: Heft X-XIV, Pag. 377-645, I-L (Classic Reprint)
Reports On The Dredging Operations Off The West Coast Of Central America To The Galapagos, To The West Coast Of Mexico, And in The Gulf Of California, in Charge Of Alexander Agassiz, Carried On By The U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross" During 1891,
Scientific Results of the Exploration of Alaska by the Parties Under the Charge of W. H. Dall, During the Years 1865-1874, Vol. 1: Article Vi;, On the Nudibranchiate Gasterpod Mollusca of the North Pacific Ocean, With Special Reference to Those of Alaska,
System Der Nudibranchiaten Gasteropoden (Classic Reprint)
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Coniden (Classic Reprint)
Beiträge Zur Kenntniss Der Coniden (Classic Reprint)
Malacologische Untersuchungen, Vol. 6
Reisen Im Archipel Der Philippinen, Vol. 2
Malacologische Untersuchungen, Vol. 3
Neue Nacktschnecken der Südsee: Malacologische Untersuchungen (Classic Reprint)
Die Opisthobranchiata der Siboga-Expedition (Classic Reprint)
Die Opisthobranchiata Der Siboga-Expedition (Classic Reprint)
System der nudibranchiaten Gasteropoden
Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Coniden
Malacologische Untersuchungen
Neue Nacktschnecken der Südsee
Die Opisthobranchier der Sammlung Plate
Gasteropoda Opisthobranchiata
Scientific results of the exploration of Alaska Volume 1
The Opisthobranchiata of South Africa
Scientific Results of the Exploration of Alaska by the Parties Under the Charge of W.H. Dall, During the Years 1865-1874. on the Nudibranchiate Gasterpod Mollusca of the North Pacific Ocean
Reports on the Dredging Operations Off the West Coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the West Coast of Mexico and in the Gulf of California, in Charge of Alexander Agassiz, Carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross During 1891, L