57 books • 5 series
The Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Watt; With Memoir and Critical Dissertation
Beauties of Sacred Literature
History of the Kings of France; Containing the Principal Incidents in Their Lives from the Foundation of the Monarchy to Louis Philippe, with a Concise Biography of Each. Illustrated by Seventy-Two Portraits of the Sovereigns of France
History of the Kings of France
Tottel's Miscellany. Songes and Sonnets
The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat, from the Mss. and Early Editions Volume 2
Poetical Works
The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat
The Complete Poems of Thomas Wyatt
Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores and Other Commanders Who Distinguished Themselves in the American Army and Navy During the Wars of the Revolution and 1812
A Synopsis of Natural History
The Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt; With Memoir and Critical Dissertation
The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat, from the Mss. and Early Editions Volume 1
Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores, and Other Commanders, Who Distinguished Themselves in the American Army and Navy During the Wars of the Revolution and 1812, and Who Were Presented with Medals by Congress, for Their Gallant Services
Tottel's Miscellany
The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat (Volume 1)
A Manual of Conchology, According to the System Laid Down by Lamarck, with the Late Improvements by de Blainville Exemplified and Arranged for
The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat, from the Mss. and Early Editions
The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat, from the Mss. and Early Editions. Edited by A.K. Foxwell
The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat. Edited from the Mss. and Early Editions by A.K. Foxwell (Volume 2)
Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores, and Other Commanders
A Manual of Conchology
Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt
Love for Love (British Poets)