33 books • 14 series
Thurgood Marshall (Supreme Court Justices (Library))
Rebels and Revolutionaries (Social Critics and Reformers)
The Homestead Steel Strike of 1892 (American Workers)
Writers of Imagination
European Queens
Founders of the Republic
The Shot Heard Round the World (First Battles)
Clara Barton
Dark Dreams (World Writers)
Victory in Destruction
Queen Victoria and the British Empire (European Queens)
Catherine the Great (European Queens)
Queen Isabella and the Unification of Spain (European Queens)
Catherine de Medici (European Queens)
Joseph Pulitzer and the New York World (Makers of the Media)
Jimmy Carter
Thomas Jefferson (Notable Americans)
Andrew Jackson (Notable Americans)
William Randolph Hearst (Makers of the Media)
Let's Go! Let's Publish! (Makers of the Media)
Lady Diana Spencer (British Heroes)
Bram Stoker (World Writers: Writers of Imagination)
Historical American Biographies Series
More Perfect Union (Notable Americans)