63 books
A Companion to the Old Testament
A.D. 1514-1547
The Reformation of the Church of England Volume 1; Its History, Principles, and Results
A Companion to the Old Testament; Being a Plain Commentary on Scripture History Down to the Birth of Our Lord
The Reformation of the Church of England, Its History, Principles, and Results [A. D. 1514-1547]; By the REV. John Henry Blunt
The Myroure of Oure Ladye, Containing a Devotional Treatise on Divine Service, with a Translation of the Offices Used by the Sisters of the Brigittine Monastery of Sion at Isleworth, During the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Reformation of the Church of England; Its History, Principles & Results
A Key to Christian Doctrine and Practice Founded on the Church Catechism
The Reformation of the Church of England (Volume 1); A.D. 1514-1547. 1878
A Plain Account of the English Bible; From the Earliest Times of Its Translation to the Present Day
The Book of Church Law; Being an Exposition of the Legal Rights and Duties of the Parochial Clergy and the Laity of the Church of England
The Reformation of the Church of England (Volume 3); Its History, Principles, and Results
The Sacraments and Sacramental Ordinances of the Church; Being a Plain Exposition of Their History, Meaning, and Effects
Dursley and Its Neighbourhood. (Chapters of Parochial Hist.).
Three Essays on the Leading Principles of the Reformation
Tewkesbury Abbey and Its Associations. [With Plates and a Plan.]
Tewkesbury Abbey and Its Associations. [With Plates and a Plan.] Second Edition
Stinchcombe Hill, from Which Can Be Seen Thirteen Counties, Etc. [An Extract from Dursley and Its Neighbourhood, by John Henry Blunt, Together with a Poem Stinchcombe Hill, Signed
Directorium Pastorale
A Key to the Knowledge and Use of the Book of Common Prayer (1868)
Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology
The Myroure of Oure Ladye
The Annotated Book of Common Prayer
Union and Disunion, Or, the True Relation of the Church of England to Other Religious Communities, Catholic and Protestant