100 books
Poems and Lyrics
Homely Pictures in Verse
The Pentrich Revolution
The Nottingham Captain
The mystery, or, Evil and God
A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Hunterian Museum in the University of Glasgow
A History ... of the Late War Between Great Britain and France ... 1793 to ... 1801 - War College Series
Christianity Made Simple: Flash
The Life and Light of Men - Primary Source Edition
The Christ of History. Renan's 'Vie de Jesus'
Evil Not from God; Or, the Mystery
Wizard and Evidence Left at the Scene of the Crime
A catalogue of the pictures at Leigh court
100 Facts about Earth Abides That Even the CIA Doesn't Know
Criticism on the Elegy
A Criticism on the Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard; Being a Continuation of Dr. J-N's Criticism on the Poems of Gray
Pictures in Prose and Verse
A Springless Autumn
Dangers and Doings in a Soldier's Life
The Life and Light of Men (1866)
Super Trooper
The Omnipotence of the Deity; A Poem
A Criticism on the Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard. Being a Continuation [By J. Young] of Dr. J-N's Criticism on the Poems of Gray
The Record of Providence