106 books
Report of an Examintion of the Upper Columbia River and the Territory in Its Vicinity in Sept. and Oct. 1881, to Determine Its Navigability and Adapta
Analytical and Topical Index to the Reports of the Chief of Engineers and the Officers of the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Upon Works and Surveys for River and Harbor Improvement
Report of Explorations Across the Great Basin of the Territory of Utah for a Direct Wagon-Route from Camp Floyd to Genoa; In Carson Valley, in 1859 Volume 296,
Fifty Forms, Company and Regimental U.S. Army Paper Work; With Instructions and Sample Forms (to Date, July 1, 1918).
Annual Report Upon the Improvement of the Mississippi River Between the Mouths of the Illinois and the Ohio
Report of an Examination of the Upper Columbia River and the Territory in Its Vicinity in September and October, 1881, to Determine Its Navigability, and Adaptability to Steamboat Transportation; Made by Direction of the Commanding
Report of the Chief of Engineers Volume 1
Report of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army Volume N . 1
Report of a Reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana Teritory, on the Upper Missouri, to the Yellowstone National Park, and Return, Made in the Summer of 1875
General Specifications for Electric Appliances on Shipboard; No. 100. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. June 1, 1922
Abstracts of Proposals for Material and Labor for the Engineer Department; Letter from Secretary of War, Transmitting Abstracts of Proposals Received During the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1917, for Material and Labor in Connection with
Ponton Manual Without Appendix
Professional Papers Volume 4
Professional Papers Volume 19
Tennessee River and Tributaries, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky; Letter from the Secretary of War Transmitting with a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Reports on Preliminary Examination and a Partial Survey of the
Conference Papers
Des Moines and Rock River Rapids, in the Mississippi River; Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting the Inspection Report of Colonel S. H. Long, and the Report of Lieutenant Warren of His Operations During the Past Year on the Des
Preliminary Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota; In the Years 1855-'56-'57
Gas Warfare Bulletin
Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for the Year Volume 3
Preliminary Report Upon a Reconnaissance Through Southern and Southeastern Nevada, Made in 1869
Report Volume . 6
Water Terminal and Transfer Facilities; Letter from the Acting Secretary of War Transmitting, with a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Reports on an
Letter from the Secretary of War in Response to Senate Resolution of December 10, 1894; Transmitting the Report of the Board of Engineers and Bridge-Building Experts, with Other Information, Relative to the Subject of a Bridge Across the