92 books • 1 series
History of Dury E's Brigade; During the Campaign in Virginia Under Gen. Pope, and in Maryland Under Gen. McClellan, in the Summer and Autumn of 1862
American Constitutions; Comprising the Constitution of Each State in the Union, and of the United States, with the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation Each Accompanied by a Historical Introduction and Notes, Together
The Elements of Forestry; Designed to Afford Information Concerning the Planting and Care of Forest Trees for Ornament or Profit and Giving Suggestions Upon the Creation and Care of Woodlands with the View of Securing the Greatest Benefit
American Biographical Notes; Being Short Notices of Deceased Persons, Chiefly Those Not Included in Allen's or in Drake's Biographical Dictionaries
Report on Forestry Submitted to Congress by the Commissioner of Agriculture
American Constitutions Volume 1; Comprising the Constitution of Each State in the Union, and of the United States, with the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation Each Accompanied by a Historical Introduction and Notes, Together with a
Report on Forestry Volume 3
Report Upon Forestry Volume 1
The New-York Civil List; Containing the Names and Origin of the Civil Divisions, and the Names and Dates of Election or Appointments of the Principal State and County Officers, from the Revolution to the Present Time
The New-York Civil List, Containing the Names and Origin of the Civil Divisions, and the Names and Dates of Election or Appointment of the Principal State and County Officers
Results of a Series of Meteorological Observations, Made in Obedience to Instructions from the Regents of the University, at Sundry Academies in the State of New-York, from 1826 to 1850 Inclusive Volume 1
Proclamations for Thanksgiving.
The American Journal of Forestry (Volume 1, #1)
Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs (Volume 1); Appointed by Law for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Published from the Original Manuscript in the Library of the Albany Institute
Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates from Several of the New-England States Held at Boston, August 3-9, 1780
Washingtoniana (Volume 1); Or, Memorials of the Death of George Washington, Giving an Account of the Funeral Honors Paid to His Memory, with a List of Tracts and Volumes Printed Upon the Occasion, and a Catalogue of Medals Commemorating the Event
Proclamation for Thanksgiving, Issued by the Continental Congress; Pres't Washington, by the National and State Governments on the Peace of 1815, and by the Governors of New York Since the Introduction of the Custom with Those of the Governors of the Seve
The Siege of Savannah; By the Combined American and French Forces, Under the Command of Gen. Lincoln and the Count D'Estaing, in the Autumn of 1779
The Thousand Islands of the River St. Lawrence; With Descriptions of Their Scenery as Given by Travellers from Different Countries at Various Periods Since Their First Exploration, and Historical Notices of Events with Which They Are Associated
History of Duryee's Brigade, During the Campaign in Virginia Under Gen. Pope, and in Maryland Under Gen. McClellan, in the Summer and Autumn of 1862
American Constitutions
The Siege of Charleston
Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, Appointed by Law for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York
The Elements of Forestry, Designed to Afford Information Concerning the Planting and Care of Forest Trees for Ornament or Profit and Giving Suggestions Upon the Creation and Care of Woodlands with the View of Securing the Greatest Benefit for the Longest