26 books
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Vol. 1 of 3 (Classic Reprint)
Remarks on the Writings and Conduct of J. J. Rousseau (Classic Reprint)
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Vol. 2 of 3 (Classic Reprint)
Lectures on Painting: Delivered at the Royal Academy (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Ein Scharfgen auf den Altar des Vaterlands gelegt
Aphorisms on Man - Primary Source Edition
Macbeth: Edition de Luxe (Illustrated with 60 Exquisite Paintings and Vintage Engravings of Celebrated Masters). Detailed Table of Contents
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Volume 2 - Primary Source Edition
Remarks on the Writings and Conduct of J.J. Rousseau - Primary Source Edition
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Volume III (of 3) - The Original Classic Edition
Der Siebenjahrige Krieg; Vom Jahre 1756 Bis 1762
Oeuvres de Condillac; Cours D'Etudes Pour L'Instruction Du Prince de Parme, Histoire Moderne, Tome IV (18)
Lectures on Painting; Delivered at the Royal Academy
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli (Volume 2); Lectures
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli (Volume 3); Lectures. Aphorisms. a History of Art in the Schools of Italy
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli (Volume 1); The Life of Henry Fuseli
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli Esq. M. A. R. A, 2
Lectures on Painting
Reflections on the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli (Volume 1)
Remarks on the Writings and Conduct of J.J. Rousseau
A Dictionary of Painters; From the Revival of the Art to the Present Period
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Volume 2
Aphorisms on Man